해외 대회 - 손가락흔들기

The Official Clefairy Cup has returned! Players
will go head to head in a battle where the RNG gods will decide their
fate. Each player will bring 4 Pokemon from the list below and be
limited to only using the move Metronome for the entire
battle. Please read the event post carefully to make sure that you
understand the rules, if you are confused feel free to ask me.
Unlimited Players
4v4 Metronome Tournament
Doubles, Normal Mode Battles
Level 30
Date + Time:
Date: Saturday January 9th
Time: 5pm EST | 10pm GMT
Post your in-game name on this thread if you would like to participate.
Silph Co, Channel 7
Species/Pristine/Self KO/Bag Items (except Pokéballs and Leppa Berries, when prompted by a ref)
Special Clauses/Rules for this tournament:
- The only held item allowed for this tournament are Leppa Berries. All Pokemon should come into battle hold a Leppa Berry in case it runs out of Metronome PP. If the Pokemon runs out of PP after the use of the held Leppa Berry, a staff member will instruct you to use another one from your bag. You will not be punished if you forget to equip a Leppa Berry but you will be disqualified if you are found to be using any other held item in this tournament.
- Taunt and Mean Look/Spider Web/Block: In the rare event that a player rolls Taunt through Metronome, the taunted player must switch out immediately, so they can avoid using moves that arent Metronome. However, in the even rarer event that a player gets Mean Looked/Spider Webbed and then Taunted, a staff member will ask the taunted player to then throw Pokéballs until Taunt wears off.
- Imprison: If a Pokemon uses Imprison through Metronome it must switch out immediately.
- Only the use of Metronome is allowed. If you use a move that is not Metronome you will be disqualified.
- All duels must be run in Normal mode with Self KO Clause checked. http://i.imgur.com/BSIEVXV.png
List of allowed pokemon:
- Disconnecting during a match will result in a DQ.
- Do not block your opponents, or the Refs running the Event.
- Once your match is called you will have 10 minutes to report to the table. No time extensions will be given.
1st Place Prize:
Shiny Slakoth
2nd Place Prize:
Shiny Bellossom
3rd Place Prize:
Shiny Golem
Host(s): Hassan & xSparkie
한국시간기준 1월 10일 아침 7시에 시작합니다.
주의하실점은 더블배틀이구 토너먼트 룰이 적용안되기 때문에 레벨을 30으로 맞춰놓으셔야 합니다.
인원제한 없으니 댓글에 닉네임 적으시면 자동참여 됩니당.