October's Double Trouble Weekend (Saturday, October 10th)

32 Players
Unlimited Reserves
6v6 Tournament
Double Battle
Level 50
Date + Time:
Date: Saturday 10th October
Time: 5:00 PM EDT | 9:00 PM GMT
Registration will open 10 minutes prior to the tournament. To register post an IGN in this thread. You may only register one person per user. Edited posts will NOT be accepted as a valid registration.
Silph Co, Channel 7
Sleep/OHKO/Species/OP Item/Evasion/Self KO
List of Clauses and what they mean
Banned Moves: -
Note: Baton pass will be unbanned for the duration of the tournament.
Banned Pokemon:
All Pokemon are allowed.
1st Place Prize:
Winner's choice of:
Hidden Power Electric
Your choice of nature with IVs HP 31 | ATK 25 | DEF 25 | SP 25 | SP.ATK 24 | SP.DEF 25 - Untradeable
1million PokeYen
20,000 Battle Points
2nd Place Prize:
Runner Up's choice of
500 Reward Points
500,000 PokeYen
Host/GM: Ronax
Refs: Noad xSparkie Musica Inarin
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