Lv.50 스피드 티어(OU) 순위 [관동+호연]

박스게임 0 9174 0 0

OU Speed Tier



  • 모든 개체값은 31로 고려함
  • + 표시는 스피드를 증가하는 성격을 의미 ( Hasty, Naive, Jolly Timid )
  • - 표시는 스피드를 감소하는 성격을 의미 ( Relaxed, Brave, Sassy, Quite )
  • +/- 표시가 없는건 스피드와 관련 없는 성격을 의미
  • [252] 는 스피드 노력치에 투자한 값
  • 파랑색 포켓몬은 OU 목록에서 금지당한 포켓몬

Tier 1  ( 233 - 200 )


233: [+252] Ninjask 


212: [252] Ninjask


211: [+252] Electrode


200: [+252] Aerodactyl, Jolteon, Crobat, Mewtwo 





Tier 2 ( 199 - 150 )


198: [+0] Ninjask


194: [+252] Swellow


192: [252] Electrode


189: [+252] Dugtrio, Alakazam, Sceptyle


183: [+252] Starmie, Persian, Sneasel


182: [252] Aerodactyl, Jolteon, Crobat, Mewtwo 


180: [0] Ninjask


178: [+252] Gengar, Tauros, Jumpluff, Espeon


177: [252] Swellow


176: [+0] Electrode


172[+252] Kadabra, Rapidash, Scyther, Electabuzz, Manetric 

         [252] Dugtrio, Alakazam, Sceptyle



167: [+252] Salamance, Charizard, Fearow, Ninetales, Tentacruel, Dodrio, Miltank, Linoone, Slaking, Flygon, Raichu

         [252] Starmie, Persian, Sneasel


163: [+252] Raticate, Luvdisc


162: [252] Gengar, Tauros, Jumpluff, Espeon


161: [+252] Diglet, Primeape, Arcanine, Haunter, Jynx, Xatu, Yanma, Houndoom, Plusel, Minun, Sharpedo


160: [0] Electrode


159: [+252] Magmar


157: [+252] Murkrow, Pidgeot


156: At + 1 you'll Outspeed the entire Metagame

156: [+252] Pikachu, Venomoth, Kangaskhan, Mr.Mime, Furret, Vigoroth, Zangose


152: [+252] Hitmonlee

         [252] Salamance, Charizard, Fearow, Ninetales, Tentacruel, Dodrio, Miltank, Linoone, Slaking, Flygon, Raichu


150: [+252] Nidoking, Golduck, Seadra, Pinsir, Ledian, Aimpom, Missdreavus, Giraffaring, Gligar, Shitfish, Heracross, Kingdra,                                Stantler, Volbeat, Illumise

        [0] Aerodactyl, Jolteon, Crobat, Mewtwo 




Tier 3 ( 149 - 120 )


149: [252] Raticate, Luvdisc


147: [252] Diglet, Primeape, Arcanine, Haunter, Jynx, Xatu, Yanma, Houndoom, Plusel, Minun, Sharpedo

146: [+252] Gyarados
145[+252] Venusaur, Arbok, Kabutops, Dragonite, Blaziken, Shiftry, Gardevoir, Medicham, Gumpig, Altaria, Glalie
         [252] Magmar
         [0] Swellow
143[+252] Blastoise
         [252] Murkrow, Pidgeot
142: [252] Pikachu, Venomoth, Kangaskhan, Mr.Mime, Furret, Vigoroth, Zangose
140:[+252] Nidoqueen, Hitmonchan
        [0] Dugtrio, Alakazam, Sceptyle
139[+252] Beedrill, Kingler, Delibird, Smeargle, Claydoll, Absoll 
        [252] Hitmonlee
137: [252] Nidoking, Golduck, Seadra, Pinsir, Ledian, Aimpom, Missdreavus, Giraffaring, Gligar, Shitfish, Heracross, Kingdra,                                Stantler, Volbeat, Illumise
135: [0] Starmie, Persian, Sneasel
134: At +1 you'll Outspeed the entire Metagame except Ninjask and +252 Electrode
134: [+252] Butterfree, Poliwrath, Victreebell, Magneton, Dewgong, Cloyster, Nocthowl, Politoed, Mantine, Skarmory,                                      Hitmontop, Mightyiena, Ludicolo, Breloom, Delcatty, Lunatone, Solrock, Castform, Metagross
133: [252] Gyarados
132: [+252] Seaking, Exploud
         [252] Venusaur, Arbok, Kabutops, Dragonite, Blaziken, Shiftry, Gardevoir, Medicham, Gumpig, Altaria, Glalie
130: [+252] Hypno, Lanturn
         [252] Blastoise
         [0] Gengar, Tauros, Jumpluff, Espeon
128: [+252] Sandslash, Vaporeon, Flareon, Umbreon, Scizor, Beutifly, Dustox, Pelliper, Roselia, Seeviper, Banette, Chimeco, Walrein
        [252] Nidoqueen, Hitmonchan                    
127:[252] Beedrill, Kingler, Delibird, Smeargle, Claydoll, Absoll   
124: [+252] Tyrannitar
123:[+252] Clefable, Farfetch, Weezing, Tangela, Lapras, Porygon2, Swampert, Masquerain, Wailord, Spinda, Whiscash
122:[252] Butterfree, Poliwrath, Victreebell, Magneton, Dewgong, Cloyster, Nocthowl, Politoed, Mantine, Skarmory,                                      Hitmontop, Mightyiena, Ludicolo, Breloom, Delcatty, Lunatone, Solrock, Castform, Metagross
120:[252] Seaking, Exploud
        [0] Salamance, Charizard, Fearow, Ninetales, Tentacruel, Dodrio, Miltank, Linoone, Slaking, Flygon, Raichu




Tier 4 ( 119 - 100 )


119: [252] Hypno, Lanturn


117: At +2 you'll outspeed the entire Metagame

117: [+252] Machamp, Eggxecutor, Omastar, Ampharos, Ursaring, Blissey, Swalot, Cacturne, Crawdaunt, Relicanth

        [252]  Sandslash, Vaporeon, Flareon, Umbreon, Scizor, Beutifly, Dustox, Pelliper, Roselia, Seeviper, Banette, Chimeco, Walrein


115: [0] Diglet, Primeape, Arcanine, Haunter, Jynx, Xatu, Yanma, Houndoom, Plusel, Minun, Sharpedo


114: [+252] Huntail, Gorebyss


113: [+252] Tropius

        [252] Tyrannitar

        [0] Magmar


112: [+252] Vileplume, Muk, Bellossom, Azzumarill, Piloswine, Donphan, Haryiama, Sableye, Mawile, Aggron

         [252] Clefable, Farfetch, Weezing, Tangela, Lapras, Porygon2, Swampert, Masquerain, Wailord, Spinda, Whiscash


111: [0] Murkrow, Pidgeot 


110: [+252] Ditto, Uknown

         [0] Pikachu, Venomoth, Kangaskhan, Mr.Mime, Furret, Vigoroth, Zangose


107: [252] Machamp, Eggxecutor, Omastar, Ampharos, Ursaring, Blissey, Swalot, Cacturne, Crawdaunt, Relicanth

        [0] Hitmonlee


106: [+252] Wiglytuff, Golem, Marowak, Dunsparce, Granbull, Octillery, Armaldo


105: [0] Nidoking, Golduck, Seadra, Pinsir, Ledian, Aimpom, Missdreavus, Giraffaring, Gligar, Shitfish, Heracross, Kingdra,                                Stantler, Volbeat, Illumise  


104: [+252] Cradily

        [252] Huntail, Gorebyss


103: [252] Tropius

        [-0] Arcanine


102: [252] Vileplume, Muk, Bellossom, Azzumarill, Piloswine, Donphan, Haryiama, Sableye, Mawile, Aggron


101: At +2 you'll outspeed the entire Metagame except Ninjask and +252 Electrode

101: [+252] Rhydon, Porygon, Aryados, Togetic, Forretress. Shedinja, Camerupt, Kleclon

        [0] Gyarados


100: [252] Ditto, Uknown

        [0] Venusaur, Arbok, Kabutops, Dragonite, Blaziken, Shiftry, Gardevoir, Medicham, Gumpig, Altaria, Glalie






Tier 5 ( 99 - 75 )


98: [0] Blastoise


97: [252] Wiglytuff, Golem, Marowak, Dunsparce, Granbull, Octillery, Armaldo


96: [0] Nidoqueen, Hitmonchan       


95: [+252] Quagsire, Corsola

      [252] Cradily

      [0] Beedrill, Kingler, Delibird, Smeargle, Claydoll, Absoll   


93: [+252] Wobbufett 


92: [252] Rhydon, Porygon, Aryados, Togetic, Forretress. Shedinja, Camerupt, Kleclon


90: [+252] Parasect, Slowbro, Slowking, Lickytung, Snorlax, Sunflora, Steelix, Magcargo, Nosepass

      [0] Butterfree, Poliwrath, Victreebell, Magneton, Dewgong, Cloyster, Nocthowl, Politoed, Mantine, Skarmory, Hitmontop,                                               Mightyiena, Ludicolo, Breloom, Delcatty, Lunatone, Solrock, Castform, Metagross

      [-0] Dragonite 


88: [0] Seaking, Exploud

      [-0] Blastoise


87: [252] Quagsire, Corsola

      [0] Hypno, Lanturn


85: [252] Wobbufett

      [0] Sandslash, Vaporeon, Flareon, Umbreon, Scizor, Beutifly, Dustox, Pelliper, Roselia, Seeviper, Banette, Chimeco, Walrein

      [-0] Claydoll


84: [+252] Dusclops


82: [+252] Wynaut

      [252] Parasect, Slowbro, Slowking, Lickytung, Snorlax, Sunflora, Steelix, Magcargo, Nosepass


81: [0] Tyrannitar



80: [0] Clefable, Farfetch, Weezing, Tangela, Lapras, Porygon2, Swampert, Masquerain, Wailord, Spinda, Whiscash


79: [+252] Torkoal


77: [252] Dusclops


76: [-0] Walrein, Flareon


75: [252] Wyanaut

       [0] Machamp, Eggxecutor, Omastar, Ampharos, Ursaring, Blissey, Swalot, Cacturne, Crawdaunt, Relicanth





Tier 6 ( 74 - 0 )


72: [252] Torkoal

       [0] Huntail, Gorebyss

       [-0] Weezing, Swampert, Porygon2, Tyrannitar


71: [0] Tropius


70: [0] Vileplume, Muk, Bellossom, Azzumarill, Piloswine, Donphan, Haryiama, Sableye, Mawile, Aggron


68: [+252] Trapinch

       [0] Ditto, Uknown


65: [0] Wiglytuff, Golem, Marowak, Dunsparce, Granbull, Octillery, Armaldo


63: [0] Cradily


62: [+252] Shuckle

       [252] Trapinch


60: [0] Rhydon, Porygon, Aryados, Togetic, Forretress. Shedinja, Camerupt, Kleclon


57: [252] Shuckle


55: [0] Quagsire, Corsola


53: [0] Wobbufett


50: [0] Parasect, Slowbro, Slowking, Lickytung, Snorlax, Sunflora, Steelix, Magcargo, Nosepass


49: [-0]Quagsire


45: [0] Dusclops

      [-0] Snorlax


43: [0] Wynaut


40: [0] Torkoal


30: [0] Trapinch


25: [0] Shuckle


